2.08.170 - Expenses of visiting judge.
Expenses of visiting judge.
Any judge of the superior court of any county in this state who shall hold a session of the superior court of any other county, in pursuance of the provisions of RCW 2.08.140 through 2.08.170 shall be entitled to receive from the county in which he shall hold such sessions reimbursement for subsistence, lodging, and travel expenses in accordance with the rates applicable to state officers under RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now or hereafter amended. The county clerk of such county shall, upon the presentation to him by such judge of a statement of such expenses, verified by his affidavit, issue to such judge a certificate that he is entitled to the amount thereof; and upon presentation of such certificate to the auditor of such county he shall draw a warrant on the current expense fund of such county for the amount in favor of such judge.
[1981 c 186 § 3; 1893 c 43 § 4; RRS § 30. Prior: 1890 p 329 § 4.]
Notes:Holding court in another county or district -- Reimbursement for expenses: RCW 2.56.070.