19.09.240 - Using similar name, symbol, emblem, or statement.
Using similar name, symbol, emblem, or statement.
No charitable organization, commercial fund-raiser, or other person soliciting contributions for or on behalf of a charitable organization may use a name, symbol, emblem, or statement so closely related or similar to that used by another charitable organization or governmental agency that the use thereof would tend to confuse or mislead the public. The secretary may revoke or deny any application for registration that violates this section.
This section does not apply to a foundation or other charitable organization that is organized, operated, or controlled by or in connection with a registered public charity, including any governmental agency or unit, from which it derives its name.
[1993 c 471 § 14; 1986 c 230 § 15; 1973 1st ex.s. c 13 § 24.]