15.76.120 - Categories of fairs--Jurisdiction and organization.
Categories of fairs — Jurisdiction and organization.
For the purposes of this chapter all agricultural fairs in the state which may become eligible for state allocations shall be divided into categories, to wit:
(1) "Area fairs"—those not under the jurisdiction of boards of county commissioners; organized to serve an area larger than one county, having both open and junior participation, and having an extensive diversification of classes, displays and exhibits;
(2) "County and district fairs"—organized to serve the interests of single counties other than those in which a recognized area fair or a district fair as defined in RCW 36.37.050, is held and which are under the direct control and supervision of the county commissioners of the respective counties, which have both open and junior participation, but whose classes, displays and exhibits may be more restricted or limited than in the case of area or district fairs. There may be but one county fair in a single county: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the county commissioners of two or more counties may, by resolution, jointly sponsor a county fair.
(3) "Community fairs"—organized primarily to serve a smaller area than an area or county fair, which may have open or junior classes, displays, or exhibits. There may be more than one community fair in a county.
(4) "Youth shows and fairs"—approved by duly constituted agents of Washington State University or the office of the superintendent of public instruction, serving three or more counties, and having for their purpose the education and training of rural youth in matters of rural living.
[1993 c 163 § 1; 1991 c 238 § 74; 1961 c 61 § 3.]
Notes: Effective dates -- Severability -- 1991 c 238: See RCW 28B.50.917 and 28B.50.918.