15.66.170 - Annual assessments -- Payments -- Civil action to enforce.

Annual assessments — Payments — Civil action to enforce.

Any due and payable assessment herein levied, and every sum due under any marketing order in a specified amount shall constitute a personal debt of every person so assessed or who otherwise owes the same, and the same shall be due and payable to the commission when payment is called for by the commission. In the event any person fails to pay the full amount of such assessment or such other sum on or before the date due, the commission may add to such unpaid assessment or sum an amount not exceeding ten percent of the same to defray the cost of enforcing the collecting of the same. In the event of failure of such person or persons to pay any such due and payable assessment or other such sum, the commission may bring a civil action against such person or persons in a state court of competent jurisdiction for the collection thereof, together with the above specified ten percent thereon, and such action shall be tried and judgment rendered as in any other cause of action for debt due and payable.

[1961 c 11 § 15.66.170. Prior: 1955 c 191 § 17.]