15.66.120 - Commodity commission -- Nominations -- Elections -- Vacancies.

Commodity commission — Nominations — Elections — Vacancies.

(1) Not less than ninety days nor more than one hundred and five days prior to the beginning of each term of each elected commission member, notice shall be mailed to all affected producers with a call for nominations in accordance with this section and provisions of the marketing order. The notice shall give the final date for filing nominations, which shall not be less than eighty days nor more than eighty-five days before the beginning of such term. The notice shall also advise that nominating petitions shall be signed by five persons qualified to vote for such candidates or, if the number of nominating signers is provided for in the marketing order, then the number provided in the marketing order.

     (2) Not less than sixty days nor more than seventy-five days prior to the commencement of a commission member term, the director shall mail ballots to all affected producers. Ballots shall be required to be returned to the director not less than thirty days prior to the commencement of the term. The mail ballot shall be conducted in a manner so that it shall be a secret ballot. With respect to the first commission for a particular commodity, the director may call for nominations for commission members in the notice of the director's decision following the hearing and the ballot may be submitted at the time the director's proposed order is submitted to the affected producers for their assent.

     (3) Commission members may be elected or appointed from various districts within the area covered by the marketing order if the order so provides, with the number of members from each district to be in accordance with the provisions of the marketing order.

     (4) The members of the commission not elected by the affected producers shall be elected by a majority of the commission at a meeting of the commission within ninety days prior to expiration of the term, or appointed by the director under this chapter and the marketing order.

     (5) When only one nominee is nominated for any position on the commission, the director shall determine whether the nominee meets the qualifications of the position and, if so, the director shall declare the nominee elected or appoint the nominee to the position.

     (6) In the event of a vacancy in an elected commission member position on a commodity commission, the remaining members shall select a qualified person to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the current term or as provided in the marketing order.

     (7) In the event of a vacancy in an appointed member position on a commodity commission, the appointment of members shall be as specified in the marketing order.

     (8) In the event of a vacancy in a director-appointed member position on a commodity commission, the remaining members shall recommend to the director a qualified person for appointment to the vacant position. The director shall appoint the person recommended by the commission unless the person fails to meet the qualifications of commission members under this chapter and the marketing order.

[2002 c 313 § 54; 1975 1st ex.s. c 7 § 9; 1961 c 11 § 15.66.120. Prior: 1955 c 191 § 12.]

Notes: Effective dates -- 2002 c 313: See note following RCW 15.65.020.