15.65.210 - Powers and duties of director with respect to the administration and enforcement of agreements and orders -- Administrator -- Personnel.

Powers and duties of director with respect to the administration and enforcement of agreements and orders — Administrator — Personnel.

The director shall administer, enforce, direct, and control every marketing agreement and order in accordance with its provisions. For such purposes he or she shall include in each order and he or she may include in each agreement provisions for the employment of such administrator and such additional personnel (including attorneys engaged in the private practice of law, subject to the approval and supervision of the attorney general) as he or she determines are necessary and proper for such order or agreement to effectuate the declared policies of this chapter. Such provisions may provide for the qualifications, method of selection, term of office, grounds of dismissal, and the detailed powers and duties to be exercised by such administrator or board and by such additional personnel, including the authority to borrow money and incur indebtedness, and may also provide either that the said administrative board shall be the commodity board or that the administrator or administrative board be designated by the director or the governor.

[2010 c 8 § 6074; 1977 ex.s. c 26 § 4; 1961 c 256 § 21.]