15.64.060 - Farm-to-school program.

Farm-to-school program.

(1) A farm-to-school program is created within the department to facilitate increased procurement of Washington grown food by schools.

     (2) The department, in consultation with the department of health, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, the department of general administration, and Washington State University, shall, in order of priority:

     (a) Identify and develop policies and procedures to implement and evaluate the farm-to-school program, including coordinating with school procurement officials, buying cooperatives, and other appropriate organizations to develop uniform procurement procedures and materials, and practical recommendations to facilitate the purchase of Washington grown food by the common schools. These policies, procedures, and recommendations shall be made available to school districts to adopt at their discretion;

     (b) Assist food producers, distributors, and food brokers to market Washington grown food to schools by informing them of food procurement opportunities, bid procedures, school purchasing criteria, and other requirements;

     (c) Assist schools in connecting with local producers by informing them of the sources and availability of Washington grown food as well as the nutritional, environmental, and economic benefits of purchasing Washington grown food;

     (d) Identify and recommend mechanisms that will increase the predictability of sales for producers and the adequacy of supply for purchasers;

     (e) Identify and make available existing curricula, programs and publications that educate students on the nutritional, environmental, and economic benefits of preparing and consuming locally grown food;

     (f) Support efforts to advance other farm-to-school connections such as school gardens or farms and farm visits; and

     (g) As resources allow, seek additional funds to leverage state expenditures.

     (3) The department in cooperation with the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall collect data on the activities conducted pursuant to chapter 215, Laws of 2008 and communicate such data biennially to the appropriate committees of the legislature beginning November 15, 2009. Data collected may include the numbers of schools and farms participating and any increases in the procurement of Washington grown food by the common schools.

     (4) As used in this section, RCW 43.19.1905, 43.19.1906, 28A.335.190, and 28A.235.170, "Washington grown" means grown and packed or processed in Washington.

[2008 c 215 § 2.]

Notes: Findings -- Intent -- 2008 c 215: "(1) The legislature recognizes that the benefits of local food production include stewardship of working agricultural lands; direct and indirect jobs in agricultural production, food processing, tourism, and support industries; energy conservation and greenhouse gas reductions; and increased food security through access to locally grown foods.

     (2) The legislature finds there is a direct correlation between adequate nutrition and a child's development and school performance. Children who are hungry or malnourished are at risk of lower achievement in school.

     (3) The legislature further finds that adequate nutrition is also necessary for the physical health of adults, and that some communities have limited access to healthy fruits and vegetables and quality meat and dairy products, a lack of which may lead to high rates of diet-related diseases.

     (4) The legislature believes that expanding market opportunities for Washington farmers will preserve and strengthen local food production and increase the already significant contribution that agriculture makes to the state and local economies.

     (5) The legislature finds that the state's existing procurement requirements and practices may inhibit the purchase of locally produced food.

     (6) The legislature intends that the local farms-healthy kids act strengthen the connections between the state's agricultural industry and the state's food procurement procedures in order to expand local agricultural markets, improve the nutrition of children and other at-risk consumers, and have a positive impact on the environment." [2008 c 215 § 1.]

Short title -- 2008 c 215: "This act may be known and cited as the local farms-healthy kids act." [2008 c 215 § 12.]

Captions not law -- 2008 c 215: "Captions used in this act are not any part of the law." [2008 c 215 § 13.]

Conflict with federal requirements -- 2008 c 215: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict and with respect to the agencies directly affected, and this finding does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act in its application to the agencies concerned. Rules adopted under this act must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state." [2008 c 215 § 14.]