15.35.310 - Certain producer-dealers exempt.

Certain producer-dealers exempt.

(1) Except as provided in RCW 15.35.115, the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to persons designated as producer-dealers, except that:

     (a) The director may require pursuant to RCW 15.35.100 any information deemed necessary to verify a producer-dealer's status as a producer-dealer; and

     (b) A producer-dealer shall comply with all requirements of this chapter applicable to milk dealers, except those which the director may deem unnecessary.

     (2) The director shall upon request designate producer-dealers and adopt rules governing eligibility for designation of a producer-dealer and cancellation of such designation. To receive such designation, a producer-dealer shall, at a minimum:

     (a) In its capacity as a handler, have and exercise complete and exclusive control over the operation and management of a plant at which it handles and processes milk received from its own milk production resources and facilities as designated in subsection (4)(a) of this section, the operation and management of which are under the complete and exclusive control of the producer-dealer in its capacity as a dairy farmer;

     (b) Neither receive at its designated milk production resources and facilities nor receive, handle, process, or distribute at or through any of its milk handling, processing, or distributing resources and facilities, as designated in subsection (4)(b) of this section, milk products for reconstitution into fluid milk products, or fluid milk products derived from any source other than (i) its designated milk production resources and facilities, (ii) other milk dealers within the limitation specified in subsection (2)(e) of this section, or (iii) nonfat milk solids which are used to fortify fluid milk products;

     (c) Neither be directly nor indirectly associated with the business control or management of, nor have a financial interest in, another dealer's operation; nor shall any other dealer be so associated with the producer-dealer's operation;

     (d) Not allow milk from the designated milk production resources and facilities of the producer-dealer to be delivered in the name of another person as producer milk to another handler; and

     (e) Not handle fluid milk products derived from sources other than the designated milk production facilities and resources, except for fluid milk product purchased from pool plants which do not exceed in the aggregate a daily average during the month of one hundred pounds.

     (3) Designation of any person as a producer-dealer following a cancellation of its prior designation shall be preceded by performance in accordance with subsection (2) of this section for a period of one month.

     (4) Designation of a person as a producer-dealer shall include the determination and designation of the milk production, handling, processing, and distributing resources and facilities, all of which shall be deemed to constitute an integrated operation, as follows:

     (a) As milk production resources and facilities: All resources and facilities, milking herd, buildings housing such herd, and the land on which such buildings are located, used for the production of milk:

     (i) Which are directly, indirectly, or partially owned, operated, or controlled by the producer-dealer;

     (ii) In which the producer-dealer in any way has an interest including any contractual arrangement; and

     (iii) Which are directly, indirectly, or partially owned, operated, or controlled by any partner or stockholder of the producer-dealer. However, for purposes of this item (4)(a)(iii) any such milk production resources and facilities which the producer-dealer proves to the satisfaction of the director do not constitute an actual or potential source of milk supply for the producer-dealer's operation as such shall not be considered a part of the producer-dealer's milk production resources and facilities; and

     (b) As milk handling, processing, and distributing resources and facilities: All resources and facilities including store outlets used for handling, processing, and distributing any fluid milk product:

     (i) Which are directly, indirectly, or partially owned, operated, or controlled by the producer-dealer; or

     (ii) In which the producer-dealer in any way has an interest, including any contractual arrangement, or with respect to which the producer-dealer directly or indirectly exercises any degree of management or control.

     (5) Designation as a producer-dealer shall be canceled automatically upon determination by the director that any of the requirements of subsection (2) of this section are not continuing to be met, such cancellation to be effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the requirements were not met, or the conditions for cancellation occurred.

[1992 c 58 § 6; 1991 c 239 § 16; 1971 ex.s. c 230 § 31.]