15.35.090 - Milk control between states.

Milk control between states.

(1) The director shall in carrying out the provisions of this chapter and any marketing plan thereunder confer with the legally constituted authorities of other states of the United States, and the United States department of agriculture, for the purpose of seeking uniformity of milk control with respect to milk coming in to the state and going out of the state in interstate commerce with a view to accomplishing the purposes of this chapter, and may enter into a compact or compacts which will insure a uniform system of milk control between this state and other states.

     (2) In order to facilitate carrying out the provisions and purposes of this chapter, the department may hold joint hearings with authorized officers or agencies of other states who have duties and powers similar to those of the department or with any authorized person designated by the United States department of agriculture, and may enter into joint agreements with such authorized state or federal agencies for exchange of information with regard to prices paid to producers for milk moving from one state to the other or any purpose to carry out and enforce this chapter.

[1991 c 239 § 5; 1971 ex.s. c 230 § 9.]