15.28.100 - Powers of commission.

Powers of commission.

The Washington state fruit commission is hereby declared and created a corporate body. The commission has power:

     (1) To exercise all of the powers of a corporation;

     (2) To elect a chair and such other officers as it may deem advisable;

     (3) To adopt, amend, or repeal, from time to time, necessary and proper rules, regulations, and orders for the performance of its duties, which rules, regulations, and orders shall have the force of laws when not inconsistent with existing laws;

     (4) To employ, and at its pleasure discharge, such attorneys, advertising manager, agents or agencies, clerks and employees, as it deems necessary and fix their compensation;

     (5) To establish offices, and incur such expenses, enter into such contracts, and create such liabilities, as it deems reasonably necessary for the proper administration of this chapter;

     (6) To accept contributions of, or match private, state, or federal funds available for research, and make contributions to persons or state or federal agencies conducting such research;

     (7) To administer and enforce this chapter, and do and perform all acts and exercise all powers deemed reasonably necessary, proper, or advisable to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, and to perpetuate and promote the general welfare of the soft tree fruit industry of this state;

     (8) To sue and be sued.

[2010 c 8 § 6038; 1961 c 11 §15.28.100 . Prior: (i) 1947 c 73 § 13, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 2909-22, part. (ii) 1947 c 73 § 15, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 2909-24, part. (iii) 1947 c 73 § 17, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 2909-26, part.]