15.105.020 - Establishing a private, nonprofit corporation -- Duties of successor organization -- Debts and other liabilities.

Establishing a private, nonprofit corporation — Duties of successor organization — Debts and other liabilities.

(1) The department may cooperate with other agencies, boards, commissions, and associations in the state of Washington to establish a private, nonprofit corporation for the purpose of carrying out the program. The nonprofit corporation must be organized under chapter 24.03 RCW and has the powers granted under that chapter. However, this chapter does not prohibit the department or other agencies, boards, commissions, and associations from separately continuing to promote Washington products under their existing authorities.

     (2) The department may contract with the successor organization to carry out the program. The contract must require the successor organization to aggressively seek to fund its continued operation from nonstate funding sources.

     (3) The successor organization must report to the department each January 1st on the amounts it has secured from both nonstate and state funding sources, its operations, and its programs.

     (4) Debts and other liabilities of the successor organization are successor organization debts and liabilities only and may be satisfied only from the resources of the successor organization. The state of Washington is not liable for the debts or liabilities of the successor organization.

[2004 c 26 § 3.]