11.88 - Guardianship -- Appointment, qualification, removal of guardians.
- 11.88.005 - Legislative intent.
- 11.88.008 - "Professional guardian" defined.
- 11.88.010 - Authority to appoint guardians -- Definitions -- Venue -- Nomination by principal.
- 11.88.020 - Qualifications.
- 11.88.030 - Petition -- Contents -- Hearing.
- 11.88.040 - Notice and hearing, when required -- Service -- Procedure.
- 11.88.045 - Legal counsel and jury trial -- Proof -- Medical report -- Examinations -- Waiver.
- 11.88.080 - Guardians nominated by will or durable power of attorney.
- 11.88.090 - Guardian ad litem -- Mediation -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Notice of and statement by guardian ad litem -- Hearing and notice -- Attorneys' fees and costs -- Registry -- Duties
- 11.88.093 - Ex parte communications -- Removal.
- 11.88.095 - Disposition of guardianship petition.
- 11.88.097 - Guardian ad litem -- Fees.
- 11.88.100 - Oath and bond of guardian or limited guardian.
- 11.88.105 - Reduction in amount of bond.
- 11.88.107 - When bond not required.
- 11.88.110 - Law on executors' and administrators' bonds applicable.
- 11.88.115 - Notice to department of revenue.
- 11.88.120 - Modification or termination of guardianship -- Procedure.
- 11.88.125 - Standby limited guardian or limited guardian.
- 11.88.130 - Transfer of jurisdiction and venue.
- 11.88.140 - Termination of guardianship or limited guardianship.
- 11.88.150 - Administration of deceased incapacitated person's estate.
- 11.88.160 - Guardianships involving veterans.
- 11.88.900 - Construction -- Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships -- 2009 c 521.