10.46 - Superior court trial.
- 10.46.020 - Trial docket.
- 10.46.060 - True name inserted in proceedings.
- 10.46.070 - Conduct of trial -- Generally.
- 10.46.080 - Continuances.
- 10.46.085 - Continuances not permitted in certain cases.
- 10.46.110 - Discharging defendant to give evidence.
- 10.46.190 - Liability of convicted person for costs -- Jury fee.
- 10.46.200 - Costs allowed to acquitted or discharged defendant.
- 10.46.210 - Taxation of costs on acquittal or discharge -- Generally -- Frivolous complaints.
- 10.46.220 - Cost bills in felony cases -- Certification.
- 10.46.230 - Cost bills in felony cases -- Payment.