9.1-912 - Registry access and dissemination; fees.
§ 9.1-912. Registry access and dissemination; fees.
A. Except as provided in § 9.1-913 and subsection B or C of this section,Registry information shall be disseminated upon request made directly to theState Police or to the State Police through a local law-enforcement agency.Such information may be disclosed to any person requesting information on aspecific individual in accordance with subsection B. The State Police shallmake Registry information available, upon request, to criminal justiceagencies including local law-enforcement agencies through the VirginiaCriminal Information Network (VCIN). Registry information provided under thissection shall be used for the purposes of the administration of criminaljustice, for the screening of current or prospective employees or volunteersor otherwise for the protection of the public in general and children inparticular. The Superintendent of State Police may by regulation establish afee not to exceed $15 for responding to requests for information from theRegistry. Any fees collected shall be deposited in a special account to beused to offset the costs of administering the Registry.
B. Information regarding a specific person shall be disseminated upon receiptof an official request form that may be submitted directly to the StatePolice or to the State Police through a local law-enforcement agency. Theofficial request form shall include a statement of the reason for therequest; the name and address of the person requesting the information; thename, address and, if known, the social security number of the person aboutwhom information is sought; and such other information as the State Policemay require to ensure reliable identification.
C. Registry information regarding all registered offender's electronic mailaddress information, any instant message, chat or other Internetcommunication name or identity information may be electronically transmittedby the Department of State Police to a business or organization that offerselectronic communication or remote computing services for the purpose ofprescreening users or for comparison with information held by the requestingbusiness or organization. In order to obtain the information from theDepartment of State Police, the requesting business or organization thatoffers electronic communication or remote computing services shall agree tonotify the Department of State Police forthwith when a comparison indicatesthat any such registered sex offender's electronic mail address information,any instant message, chat or other Internet communication name or identityinformation is being used on their system. The requesting business ororganization shall also agree that the information will not be furtherdisseminated.
(2003, c. 584; 2007, cc. 759, 823.)