9.1-904 - Reregistration.
§ 9.1-904. Reregistration.
A. Every person required to register, other than a person convicted of asexually violent offense or murder, shall reregister with the State Police onan annual basis from the date of the initial registration. Every personconvicted of a sexually violent offense or murder shall reregister with theState Police every 90 days from the date of initial registration.Reregistration means that the person has notified the State Police, confirmedhis current physical and mailing address and electronic mail addressinformation, any instant message, chat or other Internet communication nameor identity information that he uses or intends to use, and provided suchother information, including identifying information, which the State Policemay require. Upon registration and as may be necessary thereafter, the StatePolice shall provide the person with an address verification form to be usedfor reregistration. The form shall contain in bold print a statementindicating that failure to comply with the registration required ispunishable as provided in § 18.2-472.1. Upon registration and as may benecessary thereafter, the person shall likewise be required to execute aconsent form consistent with applicable law that authorizes a business ororganization that offers electronic communications or remote computerservices to provide to the Department of State Police any informationpertaining to that person necessary to determine the veracity of hiselectronic identity information in the registry.
B. Any person convicted of a violation of § 18.2-472.1, other than a personconvicted of a sexually violent offense or murder, shall reregister with theState Police every 180 days from the date of such conviction. Any personconvicted of a violation of § 18.2-472.1, in which such person was includedon the Registry for a conviction of a sexually violent offense or murder,shall reregister with the State Police every 30 days from the date ofconviction. Reregistration means the person has notified the State Police,confirmed his current physical and mailing address and electronic mailaddress information, any instant message, chat or other Internetcommunication name or identity information that he uses or intends to use,and provided such other information, including identifying information, whichthe State Police may require. Upon registration and as may be necessarythereafter, the State Police shall provide the person with an addressverification form to be used for reregistration. The form shall state theregistration requirements and contain in bold print a statement indicatingthat failure to comply with the registration requirements is punishable asprovided in § 18.2-472.1.
C. Every person required to register pursuant to this chapter shall submit tobe photographed by a local law-enforcement agency every two years commencingwith the date of initial registration. Photographs shall be in color, betaken with the registrant facing the camera, and clearly show theregistrant's face and shoulders only. No person other than the registrant mayappear in the photograph submitted. The photograph shall indicate theregistrant's full name, date of birth and the date the photograph was taken.The local law-enforcement agency shall forthwith forward the photograph andthe registration form to the State Police. Where practical, the locallaw-enforcement agency may electronically transfer a digital photographcontaining the required information to the Sex Offender and Crimes AgainstMinors Registry within the State Police.
(2003, c. 584; 2006, cc. 857, 914; 2007, cc. 759, 823.)