9.1-801 - Public safety officer defined.
§ 9.1-801. Public safety officer defined.
As used in this chapter, the term "public safety officer" includes alaw-enforcement officer of this Commonwealth or any of its politicalsubdivisions; a correctional officer as defined in § 53.1-1; a correctionalofficer employed at a juvenile correctional facility as the term is definedin § 66-25.3; a jail officer; a regional jail or jail farm superintendent; amember of any fire company or department or rescue squad that has beenrecognized by an ordinance or resolution of the governing body of any county,city or town of this Commonwealth as an integral part of the official safetyprogram of such county, city or town; an arson investigator; a member of theVirginia National Guard or the Virginia State Defense Force while such amember is serving in the Virginia National Guard or the Virginia StateDefense Force on official state duty or federal duty under Title 32 of theUnited States Code; any special agent of the Virginia Alcoholic BeverageControl Board; any police agent appointed under the provisions of § 56-353;any regular or special conservation police officer who receives compensationfrom a county, city or town or from the Commonwealth appointed pursuant to §29.1-200; any commissioned forest warden appointed pursuant to § 10.1-1135;any member or employee of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission grantedthe power to arrest pursuant to § 28.2-900; any Department of EmergencyManagement hazardous materials officer; any nonfirefighter regional hazardousmaterials emergency response team member; any investigator who is a full-timesworn member of the security division of the State Lottery Department; anyfull-time sworn member of the enforcement division of the Department of MotorVehicles meeting the Department of Criminal Justice Services qualifications,when fulfilling duties pursuant to § 46.2-217; any campus police officerappointed under the provisions of Chapter 17 (§ 23-232 et seq.) of Title 23;and any conservation officer of the Department of Conservation and Recreationcommissioned pursuant to § 10.1-115.
(2002, c. 150; 2007, c. 87.)