9.1-186.5 - Bail enforcement agent license; criminal history records check.
§ 9.1-186.5. Bail enforcement agent license; criminal history records check.
A. An applicant for a bail enforcement license shall apply for such licensein a form and manner prescribed by the Board, and containing any informationthe Board requires.
B. Prior to the issuance of any bail enforcement agent license, eachapplicant shall:
1. File with the Department an application for such license on the form andin the manner prescribed by the Board.
2. Complete the basic certification courses in training for bail enforcementagents required by the Department. Any applicant who improperly uses notes orother reference materials, or otherwise cheats in any course, shall beineligible to become a licensed bail enforcement agent.
3. Submit the appropriate nonrefundable application processing fee to theDepartment.
4. Submit to fingerprinting by a local or state law-enforcement agency andprovide personal descriptive information to be forwarded, along with theapplicant's fingerprints, to the Department of State Police Central CriminalRecords Exchange. The Central Criminal Records Exchange shall forward theapplicant's fingerprints and personal descriptive information to the FederalBureau of Investigation for the purpose of obtaining national criminalhistory record information regarding such applicant. The applicant shall payfor the cost of such fingerprinting and criminal records check. TheDepartment of State Police shall forward it to the Director of theDepartment, or his designee, who shall be a governmental entity, who shallreview the record, and if the report indicates a prior conviction listed insubsection B of § 9.1-186.4, the individual shall be prohibited from pursuingthe application process for issuance of a bail enforcement agent licenseunless the individual submits proof that his civil rights have been restoredby the Governor or other appropriate authority.
(2004, c. 397.)