8.01-267.4 - Transfer.
§ 8.01-267.4. Transfer.
A. Whenever there are pending in different circuit courts of the Commonwealthcivil actions brought by six or more plaintiffs which involve common issuesof law or fact and arise out of the same transaction, occurrence or the sameseries of transactions or occurrences, any party may apply to a panel ofcircuit court judges designated by the Supreme Court for an order oftransfer. Upon such application and upon making the findings required by §8.01-267.1, the panel may order some or all of the actions transferred to acircuit court in which one or more of the actions are pending for purposes ofcoordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings. The circuit court to whichactions are transferred may enter further orders as provided in § 8.01-267.3.Any subsequent application for further transfer shall be made to the circuitcourt to which the actions were transferred. Upon completion of pretrialproceedings and any joint hearings or trials, the circuit court may remandthe actions to the circuit courts in which they were originally filed or mayretain them for final disposition.
B. Any party who files an application for transfer shall at the same timegive notice of such application to all parties and to the clerk of eachcircuit court in which an action that is the subject of the application ispending. Upon receipt of the notice, a circuit court shall not enter anyfurther orders under § 8.01-267.3 until after the panel has entered an ordergranting or denying an application for transfer pursuant to subsection A.
(1995, c. 555.)