8.01-68 - Jurisdiction.

§ 8.01-68. Jurisdiction.

Circuit courts in the exercise of their equity jurisdiction, upon beingsatisfied by competent evidence independent of the admissions in thepleadings or elsewhere in the proceedings, that one or more of the types ofrelief hereinafter specified will promote the interest of an owner of land,or any interest therein, who is a person under a disability as defined inthis chapter for whom a conservator has not been appointed pursuant toChapter 10 (§ 37.2-1000 et seq.) of Title 37.2, and taking into considerationthe rights of any other party interested in such land, may order the sale,exchange, lease, encumbrance, redemption, or other disposition of such realestate as to the court may seem just and equitable.

In the case of the sales of such lands or interest therein, the court shallbe governed by the established practices for judicial sales generally exceptas they may be specifically modified by provisions of this article.

(Code 1950, §§ 8-675, 8-677, 8-681, 8-682, 8-683; 1952, c. 360; 1977, c. 617;1997, c. 921.)