8.01-39 - Completion or acceptance of work not bar to action against independent contractor for personal injury, wrongful death or damage to property.

§ 8.01-39. Completion or acceptance of work not bar to action againstindependent contractor for personal injury, wrongful death or damage toproperty.

In any civil action in which it is alleged that personal injury, death bywrongful act or damage to property has resulted from the negligence of orbreach of warranty by an independent contractor, it shall not be a defense bysuch contractor to such action that such contractor has completed such workor that such work has been accepted as satisfactory by the owner of theproperty upon which the work was done or by the person hiring such contractor.

Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit, modify or otherwiseaffect the provisions of § 8.01-250.

(Code 1950, § 8-629.3; 1974, c. 669; 1977, c. 617.)