8.01-37.1 - Claims for medical services provided by United States; proof of reasonable value.

§ 8.01-37.1. Claims for medical services provided by United States; proof ofreasonable value.

Whenever any person sustains personal injuries caused by the allegednegligence of another, and a claim against any person alleged to be liable iscreated in favor of the United States under federal law (42 U.S.C. § 2651 etseq.) for the reasonable value of medical, surgical or dental care andtreatment provided, the injured party may, on behalf of the United States,claim the reasonable value of the medical services provided as an element ofdamages in a civil action against the person alleged to be liable. It shallnot be required that the United States intervene in the action or be made aparty in order to establish its claim. A sworn written statement of theauthorized representative of the department or agency providing such servicesprepared in accordance with the regulations promulgated pursuant to 42 U.S.C.§ 2652 shall be admissible as evidence of the reasonable value of the careand treatment provided.

(1984, c. 42; 1985, c. 205.)