8.01-30 - Procedure in actions on contracts made by several persons.

§ 8.01-30. Procedure in actions on contracts made by several persons.

Upon all contracts hereafter made by more than one person, whether joint onlyor joint and several, an action may be maintained and judgment renderedagainst all liable thereon, or any one or any intermediate number, and if, inan action on any contract heretofore or hereafter made, more than one personbe sued and process be served on only a part of them, the plaintiff maydismiss or proceed to judgment as to any so served, and either discontinue asto the others, or from time to time as the process is served, proceed tojudgment against them until judgment be obtained against all. Such dismissalor discontinuance of the action as to any defendant shall not operate as abar to any subsequent action which may be brought against him for the samecause.

(Code 1950, § 8-514; 1954, c. 333; 1977, c. 617.)