8.01-216.14 - Civil investigative demands; documentary material.

§ 8.01-216.14. Civil investigative demands; documentary material.

The production of documentary material in response to a civil investigativedemand served under this article shall be made under a sworn certificate, insuch form as the demand designates, by (i) in the case of a natural person,the person to whom the demand is directed, or (ii) in the case of a personother than a natural person, a person having knowledge of the facts andcircumstances relating to such production and authorized to act on behalf ofsuch person. The certificate shall state that all of the documentary materialrequired by the demand and in the possession, custody, or control of theperson to whom the demand is directed has been produced and made available tothe investigator identified in the demand.

Any person upon whom any civil investigative demand for the production ofdocumentary material has been served shall make such material available forinspection and copying to the investigator identified in such demand at theprincipal place of business of such person, or at such other place as theinvestigator and the person thereafter may agree and prescribe in writing, oras the court may direct. Such material shall be made available on the returndate specified in such demand, or on such later date as the investigator mayprescribe in writing. Such person may, upon written agreement between theperson and the investigator, substitute copies for originals of all or anypart of such material.

(2002, c. 842.)