8.01-211 - When venditioni exponas issued to sheriff of adjacent county; what to contain.

§ 8.01-211. When venditioni exponas issued to sheriff of adjacent county;what to contain.

When return is made on any execution on behalf of the Commonwealth thatgoods, chattels or real estate remain unsold for want of bidders, or to thateffect, the clerk of the court from which such execution issued shall, whenrequired by the Comptroller, issue a writ of venditioni exponas, directed tothe sheriff of any county adjacent to that in which the levy was made thatthe Comptroller may designate. Such writ shall recite the execution underwhich the levy was made, the nature of such levy and return that the propertyremains unsold for the want of bidders and shall command the sheriff of suchadjacent county, if the property remaining unsold be goods or chattels, to gointo the county in which the levy was made and receive the same from theofficer that made the levy and, whether the property be goods, chattels, orreal estate, to sell the same.

(Code 1950, § 8-774; 1977, c. 617.)