8.01-195.4 - Jurisdiction of claims under this article; right to jury trial; service on Commonwealth or locality.

§ 8.01-195.4. Jurisdiction of claims under this article; right to jury trial;service on Commonwealth or locality.

The general district courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction tohear, determine, and render judgment on any claim against the Commonwealth orany transportation district cognizable under this article when the amount ofthe claim does not exceed $4,500, exclusive of interest and any attorneys'fees. Jurisdiction shall be concurrent with the circuit courts when theamount of the claim exceeds $4,500 but does not exceed $15,000, exclusive ofinterest and such attorneys' fees. Jurisdiction of claims when the amountexceeds $15,000 shall be limited to the circuit courts of the Commonwealth.The parties to any such action in the circuit courts shall be entitled to atrial by jury.

In all actions against the Commonwealth commenced pursuant to this article,the Commonwealth shall be a proper party defendant, and service of processshall be made on the Attorney General. The notice of claim shall be filedpursuant to § 8.01-195.6 on the Director of the Division of Risk Managementor the Attorney General. In all such actions against a transportationdistrict, the district shall be a proper party and service of process andnotices shall be made on the chairman of the commission of the transportationdistrict.

(1981, c. 449; 1984, c. 698; 1986, c. 584; 1987, cc. 567, 674; 1989, cc. 121,337; 1991, c. 23; 1992, cc. 111, 796; 2002, c. 645; 2005, c. 144.)