8.01-133 - Who shall be defendants; when and how landlord may defend.

§ 8.01-133. Who shall be defendants; when and how landlord may defend.

The person actually occupying the premises and any person claiming titlethereto or claiming any interest therein adversely to the plaintiff may also,at the discretion of the plaintiff, be named defendants in the action. Ifthere be no person actually occupying the premises adversely to theplaintiff, then the action must be against some person exercising ownershipthereon or claiming title thereto or some interest therein at thecommencement of suit. If a lessee be made defendant at the suit of a partyclaiming against the title of his landlord such landlord may appear and bemade a defendant with or in place of his lessee.

(Code 1950, § 8-800; 1954, c. 333; 1977, c. 617.)