8.01-109 - Commission for selling, collecting, etc.; each piece of property to constitute separate sale.

§ 8.01-109. Commission for selling, collecting, etc.; each piece of propertyto constitute separate sale.

For the services of commissioners or officers under any decree for a sale,including the collection and paying over of the proceeds, there may beallowed a commission of five percent on amounts up to and including $100,000,and two percent on all amounts above $100,000. If the sale is made by onecommissioner or officer and the proceeds collected by another, the courtunder whose decree they acted shall apportion the commission between them asmay be just.

For the purposes of this section, each piece of property so sold shallconstitute a separate sale, even though more than one piece of property issold under the same decree.

(Code 1950, § 8-669; 1950, p. 459; 1966, c. 416; 1974, c. 197; 1977, c. 617;1993, c. 311.)