8.01-107 - Trial by jury of issues made upon rule.

§ 8.01-107. Trial by jury of issues made upon rule.

If, upon the return of such rule, any party thereto demand a trial by jury,the court shall order a trial by jury to ascertain what liability, if any,exists against any such special commissioner, receiver, or purchaser, andtheir sureties; and the court shall enter judgment on the verdict awarded bythe jury. New trials may be granted as in other cases; and notwithstandingsuch rules be awarded and judgment be rendered against part only of thepersons liable thereto, the court may award new rules and proceed to judgmentagainst all the parties who are liable thereto. The provisions of thissection, and §§ 8.01-105 and 8.01-106, shall apply to any officers and theirsureties, acting under the decree of the court.

(Code 1950, § 8-666; 1977, c. 617.)