8.01-106 - How cause heard upon rule and judgment rendered.

§ 8.01-106. How cause heard upon rule and judgment rendered.

Upon the return of a rule executed under § 8.01-105 upon any of the partiesthereto, the court may if neither party demand a jury, proceed to hear anddetermine all questions raised by such rule, and shall enter a judgmentagainst such special commissioner, receiver, or purchaser, as the case maybe, and his surety or sureties, for the amount appearing to be due by suchcommissioner, receiver or purchaser, or may enter judgment against such ofthem as have been summoned to answer such rule. If it appears in suchproceeding that such commissioner, receiver, purchaser, or any of them, ortheir sureties is dead, or under a disability, then such rule shall beawarded against the personal representative of those dead, and the fiduciaryof those who are under a disability, and judgment may be rendered jointly andseverally against such personal representative, fiduciary and those laboringunder no disability in the same proceeding.

(Code 1950, § 8-665; 1977, c. 617.)