8.01-691 - Payment of filing fees and costs by prisoners; when in forma pauperis status granted.

§ 8.01-691. Payment of filing fees and costs by prisoners; when in formapauperis status granted.

A prisoner seeking in forma pauperis status shall provide the court with acertified copy of his inmate trust account for the preceding twelve months.Any prisoner granted leave to proceed in forma pauperis shall nonethelessmake payments, in equal installments as the court directs, towardssatisfaction of the filing fee and costs. If the court determines theprisoner has had no deposits in his inmate trust account for the precedingsix months, the court shall permit the prisoner to proceed without paying thefiling fee and costs. However, the filing fee and costs shall be taxed ascosts at the end of the case. Any prisoner failing to make any payment whendue shall have his case dismissed without prejudice.

(2002, c. 871.)