8.01-595 - Preparation of list of creditors; notice to them.

§ 8.01-595. Preparation of list of creditors; notice to them.

When a receiver has been appointed he shall immediately prepare or cause tobe prepared a list of all creditors, lien and general, of the person, firm,corporation or of any other legal or commercial entity for which he is areceiver; and the court may by proper order compel any defendant for whom areceiver is appointed, or any officer of the corporation or of any otherlegal or commercial entity for whom the receiver is appointed, to furnish ordeliver to the receiver a list, duly sworn to, of all creditors, lien orgeneral, together with their addresses if known. The receiver shall thenpromptly notify by mail each creditor whose name and address has beenascertained of the appointment of the receiver.

When a permanent receiver is appointed he shall not be required to make a newlist of creditors if a temporary receiver or a prior receiver appointed inthe same proceedings has already prepared one which is adequate, nor shall hebe required to mail other notices to creditors if the prior receiver hasgiven proper notice to the parties entitled thereto.

(Code 1950, § 8-739; 1977, c. 617.)