8.01-593 - Subsequent proceedings after emergency appointment.

§ 8.01-593. Subsequent proceedings after emergency appointment.

Such emergency appointment shall be limited to a period of not longer thanthirty days, during which period notice shall be given by the applicant toall parties having a substantial interest, either as owner of or lienor inthe subject matter, of any motion to extend such receivership; and upon thehearing on such motion, the court shall hear the matter de novo, and shalldischarge such receiver, or shall appoint the same receiver, or otherreceivers to act with him, or new receivers as to the court may seem right.Unless such receivership shall be so extended, all the rights and powers ofsuch emergency receiver over the subject matter, at the end of such periodfor which he shall have been appointed, shall cease and determine, and suchreceiver shall forthwith file with such court an account of his dealing withsuch estate. The notices required to be given under this section and §§8.01-591 and 8.01-592 shall be served, as to residents of this Commonwealth,in any of the modes prescribed by § 8.01-296, and as to nonresidents of thisCommonwealth, or persons unknown, or in any case in which the number ofpersons to be given notice exceeds thirty, in the manner prescribed by §8.01-319.

(Code 1950, § 8-737; 1977, c. 617.)