8.01-553 - Bonds for retention of property or release of attachment; revising bonds mentioned in this and § 8.01-551.
§ 8.01-553. Bonds for retention of property or release of attachment;revising bonds mentioned in this and § 8.01-551.
Any property levied on or seized as aforesaid, under any attachment, may beretained by or returned to the defendant or other person in whose possessionit was on his giving bond, with condition to have the same forthcoming atsuch time and place as the court may require. In the alternative, theprincipal defendant may, by giving bond with condition to perform thejudgment of the court, release from any attachment the whole of any estateattached. The bond in either case shall be taken by the officer serving theattachment, with surety, payable to the plaintiff, and in a penalty in thelatter case either double the amount or value for which the attachment issuedor double the value of the property on which the attachment was levied, atthe option of the person giving it, and in the former, either double theamount of value for which the attachment issued or double the value of theproperty retained or returned, at the option of the person giving it.However, in the event the court shall consider that the amount of any bondrequired by this section or § 8.01-551 is excessive or inadequate, such courtmay, upon motion of any party in interest after reasonable notice to theopposite party if he can be found in the jurisdiction of the court or to hisattorney of record, if any, fix the amount of such bond to conform to theequities of the case.
(Code 1950, § 8-540; 1977, c. 617; 1984, c. 646.)