8.01-23 - Decree in suit when number of parties exceeds 30 and one of them dies.

§ 8.01-23. Decree in suit when number of parties exceeds 30 and one of themdies.

When, in any suit involving a decedent's estate or a trust, the number ofparties exceeds 30, and any one of the parties jointly interested with othersin any question arising therein, dies, the court may, notwithstanding, if inits opinion all classes of interests are represented and no one will beprejudiced thereby, proceed to render a decree in such suit as if such partywere alive; decreeing to the heirs, devisees, legatees, distributees, orpersonal representatives, as the case may be, such interest as the deceasedperson, if alive, would be entitled to. The provisions of § 8.01-322 shallapply to decrees entered hereunder.

(Code 1950, §§ 8-155, 8-156; 1977, c. 617; 2005, c. 681.)