8.01-502 - Person paying debtor not affected by lien unless notice given.

§ 8.01-502. Person paying debtor not affected by lien unless notice given.

As against a person making a payment to the judgment debtor, the lienreferred to in § 8.01-501 shall not affect him, unless and until he be givenwritten notice thereof setting forth (i) the name of the person against whomobtained, (ii) by whom obtained, (iii) the amount and costs of the judgment,(iv) the date recovered, (v) the date of the issuance or renewal of executionthereon, (vi) the return day of execution, and (vii) the date of placing ofthe execution in the hands of the officer or other person authorized to serveprocess pursuant to § 8.01-293, and unless such notice shall be personallysigned by the plaintiff or his attorney and shall have been duly served uponthe person making payment and the judgment debtor by an officer authorized toserve civil process.

(Code 1950, § 8-432; 1954, c. 615; 1977, c. 617; 1996, c. 1002.)