8.01-420.4 - Taking of depositions.

§ 8.01-420.4. Taking of depositions.

A. Party Depositions. - A deposition of a party, or any witness designatedunder Rule 4:5(b)(6) to testify on behalf of a party, shall be taken in thecounty or city in which suit is pending, in an adjacent county or city, at aplace upon which the parties agree, or at a place that the court may, forgood cause, designate. Good cause may include the expense or inconvenience ofa non-resident party defendant appearing in one of the locations specified inthis subsection. The restrictions as to parties set forth in this subsectionshall not apply where no responsive pleading has been filed or an appearanceotherwise made.

B. Non-party Witness Depositions. - Unless otherwise provided by the law ofthe jurisdiction where a non-party witness resides, a deposition of anon-party witness shall be taken in the county or city where the non-partywitness resides, is employed, or has his principal place of business; at aplace upon which the witness and the parties to the litigation agree; or at aplace that the court may, for good cause, designate.

(1989, c. 209; 1991, c. 81; 1993, cc. 428, 940; 2005, c. 597.)