8.01-349 - Notations on ballots drawn; return to box; when such ballots may be drawn again.

§ 8.01-349. Notations on ballots drawn; return to box; when such ballots maybe drawn again.

If any ballot drawn from the box shall bear the name of a person known by theclerk or other person attending the drawing to be deceased, exempt ordisqualified by law, not a resident of the county or city, or physically ormentally incapacitated for jury service, an appropriate notation on theballot, as well as opposite the name of such person on the jury list, shallbe made and the ballot shall be placed by the clerk in an envelope kept forthat purpose. The other ballots, marked "drawn," shall be placed in aseparate envelope and a notation of the date of the drawing shall be made onthe jury list opposite the name of each juror drawn. The envelope shall bekept in the box. After all ballots have been drawn from the box, the ballotsmarked "drawn" may be again drawn subject to the provisions hereof applyingto the original drawing.

(Code 1950, § 8-208.14; 1973, c. 439; 1977, c. 617.)