Chapter 3 - Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act (66-26 thru 66-35)
- 66-26 - Delinquency prevention and youth development programs; agents.
- 66-27 - Authority of Director to make grants to localities.
- 66-28 - Policies.
- 66-29 - Ordinances to be enacted by participating localities; applications by localities for grants.
- 66-30 - Renewal of grants; suspension for failure to comply with standards; notice and hearing.
- 66-31 - Funding; records to be kept by localities; use of funds.
- 66-32 - Withdrawal from program.
- 66-33 - Unexpended funds.
- 66-34 - Youth services citizen boards; appointment and qualifications of members.
- 66-35 - Responsibilities of local programs.