66-3.2 - Additional duties of the Director.
§ 66-3.2. Additional duties of the Director.
A. The Director shall coordinate with the Department of Corrections thedevelopment and submission of requests for compensation from the UnitedStates Department of Justice State Criminal Alien Assistance Program forcosts associated with incarcerating undocumented aliens.
B. The Director shall forward to the Commonwealth's Attorneys' ServicesCouncil, updated on a monthly basis, a list of all juveniles, 14 years of ageor older, that (i) have been committed to the Department, (ii) have beenfound guilty of a felony offense defined as a predicate criminal act under §18.2-46.1, or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of an act thatwould be a felony and a predicate criminal act under § 18.2-46.1 if committedby an adult, and (iii) have been identified as belonging to a criminal gang.The list shall contain identifying information for each gang member, as wellas the offense, court, and date of conviction or adjudication.
(2004, c. 126; 2006, cc. 431, 500.)