65.2-704 - Hearing; award or opinion by Commission.
§ 65.2-704. Hearing; award or opinion by Commission.
A. The Commission or any of its members or deputies shall hear the parties atissue, their representatives, and witnesses; shall decide the issues in asummary manner; and shall make an award or opinion carrying out the decision.
B. Any member of the Commission who hears the parties at issue and makes anaward under the provisions of subsection A of this section shall notparticipate in a rehearing and review of such award provided under §65.2-705. When a member is absent or is prohibited by the provisions of thissubsection from sitting with the full Commission to hear a review, theChairman shall appoint one of the deputies to sit with the other Commissionmembers.
C. Hearings convened by the Commission shall be public proceedings and, uponproper request to the Commission, may, in the discretion of the Commission,be video recorded for public broadcast at the expense of the requestingparty, subject only to the same limitations and conditions as apply to courtproceedings in the Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 65-92; 1954, c. 370; 1962, c. 340; 1968, c. 660, § 65.1-96;1980, c. 600; 1989, c. 318; 1991, c. 355; 1997, c. 225; 2003, cc. 664, 671;2010, cc. 160, 564.)