65.2-403 - Provisions in respect to injury by accident, etc., applicable to occupational disease.
§ 65.2-403. Provisions in respect to injury by accident, etc., applicable tooccupational disease.
A. When the employer and employee are subject to the provisions of thistitle, first communication of the diagnosis of an occupational disease to theemployee or death of the employee resulting from an occupational disease asherein listed and defined shall be treated as the happening of an injury byaccident, and the employee or in case of his death his dependents shall beentitled to compensation as provided by this title.
B. An employee who has an occupational disease that is covered by this titleshall be entitled to the same hospital, medical and miscellaneous benefits asan employee who has a compensable injury by accident, except that the periodduring which the employer shall be required to furnish medical attention,including reasonably necessary diagnostic services, shall begin fifteen daysprior to the date of first communication of the diagnosis of the occupationaldisease to the employee. In the event of death the same funeral benefitsshall be paid as in the case of death from a compensable accident.
(Code 1950, § 65-46; 1966, c. 504; 1968, c. 660, § 65.1-49; 1984, c. 414;1991, c. 355.)