63.2-611 - Case management; support services; transitional support services.
§ 63.2-611. Case management; support services; transitional support services.
A. The Commissioner, through the local departments, with such funds asappropriated, shall offer families participating in VIEW intensive casemanagement services throughout the family's participation in VIEW. Casemanagement services shall include initial assessment of the full range ofservices that will be needed by each family including testing and evaluation,development of the individualized agreement of personal responsibility, andperiodic reassessment of service needs and the agreement of personalresponsibility. It shall be the goal of the Department to have a statewideintensive case management ratio not higher than the statewide average ratioin Title IV-F of the Social Security Act Job Opportunities and Basic SkillsTraining Program State Plan as the ratio existed on July 1, 1995.
B. Local departments are authorized to provide services to VIEW familiesthroughout the family's participation in VIEW subject to regulations adoptedby the Board, including:
1. Child care for the children of participants if:
a. The participant is employed and child-care services are required to enablethe continued employment of the participant;
b. Child-care services are required to enable a participant to receive jobplacement, job training or education services; or
c. The participant is otherwise eligible for child care pursuant to Boardregulations.
2. Transportation that will enable parental employment or participation inservices required by the agreement of personal responsibility.
3. Job counseling, education and training, and job search assistanceconsistent with the purposes of VIEW.
4. Medical assistance.
C. A participant whose TANF financial assistance is terminated, eithervoluntarily or involuntarily, shall receive the following services for up totwelve months after termination, if needed:
1. Assistance with child care if such assistance enables the individual towork;
2. Assistance with transportation, if such transportation enables theindividual to work;
3. Medical assistance, including transitional medical assistance for familieswith a working parent who becomes ineligible for TANF financial assistancebecause of increased earnings according to policies of the VirginiaDepartment of Medical Assistance Services; and
4. Financial assistance of $50 per month, if the participant is employed andis working at least 30 hours per week or more at the time of TANF closure andremains employed and continues to work at least 30 hours per week or more.
D. The Department or local departments may purchase or otherwise acquiremotor vehicles from the centralized fleet of motor vehicles controlled by theCommonwealth Transportation Commissioner under Article 7 (§ 2.2-1173 et seq.)of Chapter 11 of Title 2.2 and sell or otherwise transfer such vehicles toTANF recipients or former recipients. Purchases, sales, and other transfersof vehicles under this subsection shall not be subject to the provisions ofthe Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.), or the provisionsof §§ 2.2-1124, 2.2-1153, 2.2-1156, and 2.2-1177 relating to the sale,purchase, and transfer of surplus motor vehicles and other surplus stateproperty.
E. Nothing in this section shall be construed or interpreted to create acause of action or administrative claim based upon a right or entitlement toany specific services or an exemption or waiver from any provision of VIEW.
(1994, cc. 858, 951, § 63.1-133.46; 1995, c. 450; 1999, c. 910; 2002, c. 747;2007, c. 568.)