63.2-514 - Reconsideration, cancellation or changes in amount of public assistance.
§ 63.2-514. Reconsideration, cancellation or changes in amount of publicassistance.
All public assistance grants shall be reconsidered by the local board asfrequently as may be required by Board regulations and at such other times asthe local board may deem necessary. After such investigation as the localboard deems necessary, or the Board requires, the amount of public assistancemay be changed, or public assistance may be entirely withdrawn if the localboard finds that the recipient's circumstances have altered sufficiently towarrant such action.
If the local board does not act within thirty days of the receipt ofinformation affecting the amount of assistance or the eligibility therefor asto any recipient, or if the circumstances require immediate action, the localdirector may make necessary adjustments in the amount of public assistance orsuspend further assistance to any such individual pending action by the localboard.
(Code 1950, §§ 63-123, 63-149, 63-187, 63-214; 1968, cc. 578, 781, §63.1-113; 2002, c. 747.)