63.2-505.2 - Eligibility for food stamps; drug-related felonies.
§ 63.2-505.2. Eligibility for food stamps; drug-related felonies.
A person who is otherwise eligible to receive food stamp benefits shall beexempt from the application of section 115(a) of the Personal Responsibilityand Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, P.L. 104-193, and shall notbe denied such assistance solely because he has been convicted of a felonyoffense of possession of a controlled substance in violation of § 18.2-250,provided such person is complying with, or has already complied with, allobligations imposed by the criminal court, is actively engaged in or hascompleted a substance abuse treatment program, participates in periodic drugscreenings, and any other obligations as determined by the Department.
(2005, c. 576.)