63.2-504 - Decision of local board that applicant entitled to public assistance.
§ 63.2-504. Decision of local board that applicant entitled to publicassistance.
Upon completion of the investigation the local board shall determine whetherthe applicant is eligible for public assistance under this subtitle, and, ifeligible, the amount of such public assistance and the date upon which suchpublic assistance shall begin. If the local board approves the payment ofpublic assistance, such public assistance shall thereupon, until changed,modified, or revoked be paid as hereinafter provided. If the local board doesnot act upon any such application within the period specified by Boardregulation, or, if the circumstances require immediate public assistance toprevent hardship, the local director may provide necessary public assistancepending determination by the local board.
(Code 1950, §§ 63-118, 63-144, 63-182, 63-208; 1968, cc. 578, 781, §63.1-109; 1974, c. 422; 2002, c. 747.)