63.2-401 - Reimbursement of localities by the Commonwealth.
§ 63.2-401. Reimbursement of localities by the Commonwealth.
Such funds as are received from the United States and agencies thereof asgrants-in-aid for the purpose of providing public assistance and socialservices grants shall be paid monthly by the Commissioner to each county,city or district fiscal officer as reimbursement of the federal share of suchgrants as have been paid by each county and city under the provisions ofSubtitle II and III of this title. Within the limits of the appropriations ofstate funds, the Commissioner shall reimburse the entire balance of suchpublic assistance and social services grants as have been paid by each city,county or district fiscal officer after crediting them with the reimbursementmade from federal funds. Within the limits of the appropriations of statefunds, the Commissioner shall reimburse monthly each city, county or districtfiscal officer to the extent of sixty-two and one-half percent of suchexpenditures made in connection with general relief provided under §63.2-802. Within the limits of the appropriations of state funds for thepurpose, the Commissioner shall reimburse monthly each city, county ordistrict fiscal officer to the extent of eighty percent of expenditures madefor auxiliary grants pursuant to § 63.2-800. Within the limits of state fundsappropriated for the purpose, the Commissioner shall reimburse to eachcounty, city or district fiscal officer an amount not less than fifty percentor more than sixty-two and one-half percent of such expenditures, notfederally reimbursable, made for the care of children placed in family homesor institutions pursuant to §§ 63.2-900 and 63.2-903.
Administrative expenditures made by the localities in connection with theproviding of public assistance grants, other benefits and related socialservices, including child welfare pursuant to § 63.2-319, shall beascertained by the Board, and the Commissioner shall, within the limits ofavailable federal funds and state appropriations, reimburse monthly eachcounty, city or district fiscal officer therefor out of such federal andstate funds in an amount to be determined by the Board not less than fiftypercent of such administrative costs.
The Commissioner also shall reimburse monthly, to the extent funds areavailable for such purpose, each county, city or district fiscal officer outof state and federal funds, to the extent provided in the precedingparagraph, for monthly rental payments for office space provided the localdepartment in publicly owned buildings, for payments that are based on thecost of initial construction or purchase of a building or a reasonable amountfor depreciation of such building, and for the cost of repairs andalterations to either a privately or publicly owned building. However, nomonthly rental payment shall exceed a reasonable amount as determined by theCommissioner.
Claims for reimbursement shall be presented by the local board to theCommissioner, and shall be itemized and verified in such manner as theCommissioner may require. Such claim shall, upon the approval of theCommissioner, be paid out of funds appropriated by the Commonwealth and fundsreceived from the federal government for the purposes of Subtitles II and IIIof this title, to the treasurer or other fiscal officer of the county orcity. Wherever two or more counties or cities have been combined to form adistrict pursuant to § 63.2-306, reimbursements by the Commissioner underthis section shall be paid to the district fiscal officer or other persondesignated to receive such funds by the governing bodies of such counties orcities. The Commonwealth shall reimburse each county and city the full amountof public assistance grants provided for Temporary Assistance for NeedyFamilies.
(Code 1950, §§ 63-106, 63-107; 1956, cc. 608, 623; 1958, c. 519; 1962, c.297; 1966, cc. 530, 599; 1968, cc. 466, 578, § 63.1-92; 1970, c. 776; 1972,cc. 73, 718; 1973, cc. 201, 264; 1974, cc. 44, 45, 488; 1975, c. 121; 1984,cc. 498, 781; 1985, c. 599; 2002, c. 747.)