63.2-331 - Counties with special forms of government.
§ 63.2-331. Counties with special forms of government.
In any county having a special form of government under which the governingbody of the county would be the appointing authority of the local board,local director, and local employees, the governing body may, subject to thepersonnel standards and regulations of the Board, authorize the local boardto exercise the powers relating to the employment of the local director andother employees required to administer this title in such county and thefixing of their compensation or authorize the local board to exercise suchpowers insofar as they relate to the local director and the local director toexercise such powers insofar as they relate to other employees required toadminister this title in such county.
(Code 1950, § 63-85; 1954, c. 573; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-67; 2002, c. 747.)