63.2-314 - Funds received from public or private sources; authority of local governing bodies to make grants; authority of local boards to establish regulations and fees for court ordered services.

§ 63.2-314. Funds received from public or private sources; authority of localgoverning bodies to make grants; authority of local boards to establishregulations and fees for court ordered services.

A. The local boards are authorized to receive and disburse funds derived frompublic grants or private sources in the form of gifts, contributions,bequests or legacies for the purpose of aiding needy persons within theirrespective counties, cities or districts. The governing bodies of countiesand cities are authorized to make public grants hereunder to their respectivelocal boards. Eligibility for aid from these sources need not be limited torequirements established for the public assistance programs in thisCommonwealth. All funds received from such sources shall be deposited in thetreasuries of the respective county, city or local district board to thecredit of the county, city or local district board and dispensed asauthorized by such county, city or local district board.

B. Local boards may establish regulations and fee schedules and may receivefees for services that a court directs a local department to perform pursuantto § 16.1-274.

(Code 1950, § 63-66.1; 1954, c. 269; 1968, c. 578, § 63.1-51; 1972, c. 387;1973, c. 201; 1975, c. 125; 1976, c. 516; 1993, c. 975; 2002, c. 747.)