63.2-305 - Advisory boards.
§ 63.2-305. Advisory boards.
A. If the governing body of a city or county or the governing bodies of anycombination of cities and counties participating in a district designate,under the provisions of §§ 63.2-302, 63.2-304 or § 63.2-307, a localgovernment official as constituting the local board, such governing body orbodies shall appoint a board to serve in an advisory capacity to such localgovernment official with respect to the duties and functions imposed upon himby this title.
Each such advisory board shall consist of no fewer than five and no more thanthirteen members. In the case of an advisory board established for adistrict, there shall be at least one member on the board from each countyand city in the district. The members shall be appointed initially for termsof from one to four years so as to provide for the balanced overlapping ofthe terms of the membership thereon. Subsequent appointments shall be for aterm of four years each, except that appointments to fill vacancies thatoccur during terms shall be for the remainder of these unexpired terms.Appointments to fill unexpired terms shall not be considered full terms, andsuch persons shall be eligible to be appointed to two consecutive full terms.No person shall serve more than two consecutive full terms. The localgovernment official shall be an ex officio member, without vote, of theadvisory board.
The advisory board shall elect its own chairman and shall meet at leastbimonthly. In addition to regularly scheduled meetings, it may meet at thecall of the chairman or on the petition of at least one-half of the members.
B. The powers and duties of the advisory board shall be:
1. To interest itself in all matters pertaining to the public assistance andsocial services needed by people of the political subdivision or subdivisionsserved by the local department;
2. To monitor the formulation and implementation of public assistance andsocial services programs by the local department;
3. To meet with the local government official who constitutes the local boardat least four times a year for the purpose of making recommendations onpolicy matters concerning the local department;
4. To make an annual report to the governing body or bodies, concurrent withthe budget presentation of the local department, concerning theadministration of the public assistance and social services programs; and
5. To submit to the governing body or bodies, from time to time, otherreports that the advisory board deems appropriate.
(1977, c. 36, § 63.1-43.1; 1981, c. 264; 1984, c. 586; 1989, c. 356; 2002, c.747.)