63.2-2201 - Caregivers Grant Program established.
§ 63.2-2201. Caregivers Grant Program established.
A. From January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2010, any caregiver whoprovides care for a mentally or physically impaired person shall be eligibleto receive an annual caregivers grant in the amount of $500. The grants underthis chapter shall be paid from the Fund, as provided in this chapter, to thecaregiver during the calendar year immediately following the calendar year inwhich the care for a mentally or physically impaired person was provided. Thetotal amount of grants to be paid under this chapter for any year shall notexceed the amount appropriated by the General Assembly to the Fund forpayment to caregivers for such year.
B. Only one grant shall be allowed annually for each mentally or physicallyimpaired person receiving care under the provisions of this section. Multiplecaregivers providing care to the same mentally or physically impaired personshall be eligible to share the $500 grant as mutually agreed. However, onlyone caregiver may submit a grant application for the person. A caregiverproviding care to more than one eligible person shall submit a separate grantapplication for each person receiving care.
C. The mentally or physically impaired person being cared for may live in thecaregiver's home or in his own home but shall not be receivingMedicaid-reimbursed community long-term care services, other than on atemporary or periodic basis, or living in a nursing home or other assistedliving facility where assistance with ADLs is already provided and the costof such assistance is included in the monthly bill or rental fee.
(1999, cc. 737, 763, § 63.1-332; 2002, c. 747; 2005, c. 31; 2007, c. 588.)